Traffic Signals Test - Part 1
1   Identify the sign that represents STOP

2   Identify the sign that represents BULLOCK CART PROHIBITED

3   Identify the sign that represents WIDTH LIMIT

4   Identify the sign that represents LOAD LIMIT

5   Identify the sign that represents OVERTAKING PROHOBITED

6   Identify the sign that represents COMPULSORY RIGHT TURN

7   Identify the sign that represents COMPULSORY LEFT TURN

8   Identify the sign that represents NARROW BRIDGE

9   Identify the sign that represents NARROW ROAD AHEAD

10   Identify the sign that represents ROAD WIDENS AHEAD

11   Identify the sign that represents LOOSE GRAVEL

12   Identify the sign that represents SLIPPERY ROAD

13   Identify the sign that represents STAGARRED INTERSECTION

14   Identify the sign that represents CROSS ROAD

15   Identify the sign that represents EATING PLACE

16   Identify the sign that represents FIRST AID BOX

17   Identify the sign that represents HOSPITAL

18   Identify the sign that represents CYCLE STAND

19   Identify the sign that represents NO PARKING

20   Identify the sign that represents NO STANDING