Driving Tips
- Observe the Rules of the Road, and restrict the accidents.
- Time is very valuable, life is more valuable than it.
- In your utter negligence behaviors don't play with other fellowmen lives.
- Remember that you are the bread winner to your family.
- With your negligent behaviors, don't cause the others as orphans and handicapped.
- Re precautions. Carefully ply the vehicle.
- Slow and steadiness always good. Be careful while plying the vehicle.
- Consuming alcoholics is harmful to life.
- Over-speed is always Harm to everyone.
- Lights dim dipper should utilize compulsory during nights. If not utilized the opposite vehicle, may caused the accident due to non-clearance of the road way. Hence during nights compulsorily use lights
dim dipper.
- Before entering into turning, be slowly and observed then take turning. Otherwise there will be possibility for accidents.
- Do not compete with the front vehicle, and not ply your vehicle to speedy, Rash, and negligent, there may cause accidents due to over-taking.
- As per the environment. slowing down the speed of your vehicle.
- Vehicle should not be halted in "No parking places"
- Don't consume intoxicants and ply the vehicles.
- Observe the traffic rules "No entry" and "One way"
- While plying the vehicles, Compulsorily show the "hand Signals"
- Always ply the vehicle in left side, and given way to other people.
- Running vehicles should not be halted on foot-path, violating the rules will be
- In driver's attending duty. others should not cause disturbance.
- Don't halt the vehicle, without proper reason.
- For wall conditioned mottor vehicle, one man in back-side allowed to sit.
- Documents should be produced during the time of checking.
- Driver should observe the ply signals, during the railway level, crossing, when railway gate man absent.
- Helmet should be wear on head compulsorily.
- In certain times, driver should compulsorily stop the vehicle.
- At the times of accidents, the driver should taken the responsibilities in admitting the victim in hospital and he should informed about the accident to police.
- Exceeded the speed limits, of the vehicle, Rs 400/- penalty will be levied by officials.
- If drunkard plied the vehicle, nature of intoxicant, and damages.
- Vehicles will be seized without registration, permit, driving license (Original documents to be produced,
Xerox copies will not be accepted).
- During the time of "Over-Take" first apply horn, and given signal to front vehicles, and from right side overtaken the vehicle.
- During the time of break fail, apply top to second gear, second gear to first gear hen vehicle will be slow down.
- In first-aid box, tincture, cotton, cloth, scissor, apply the first aid to accident meted victim and admit in hospital and further informed to police.
- Driver should wear "Uniform".
- Observe the traffic signals - Obstruct the accidents.